
Aug. 2-4, Asheville, NC, (Hoop II)
Start of another Pachakuti Mesa Tradition 5-part series.
Part 1 - The Call to Heal (Releasing the Past)

Feb. 18-23, 2019, 6-day workshop, the first half of another Pachakuti Mesa Tradition 5-part series*
Part 1 - The Call to Heal (Releasing the Past) - Surbiton, UK
Part 2 - A Balance of Power (Transforming the Present) -  Surbiton, UK
Part 3 - The Condor's Quest (Creating the Future) -  Surbiton, UK

Mar. 8-10, 2019 (Hoop I)
Part 3 - The Condor's Quest (Creating the Future) - Asheville, NC

May 31-June 2, 2019 (Hoop I)
Part 4 - The Hummingbird's Ascent (Living the Mystery) - Asheville, NC

June 22, 2019
Summer Solstice Ceremony, open to everyone whether you're an experienced mesa carrier or new to this tradition. Email for details. - Asheville, NC

Aug. 2-4, 2019 (Hoop II)
Part 1 - The Call to Heal (Releasing the Past) - Asheville, NC

Aug. 16-18, 2019 (Hoop I)
Part 5 - The Shamanic Self (Serving the Earth) - Asheville, NC

Nov. 1-3, 2019 (Hoop II)
Part 2 - A Balance of Power (Transforming the Present) - Asheville, NC

Feb. 7-9, 2020 (Hoop II)
Part 3 - The Condor's Quest (Creating the Future) - Asheville, NC

May 15-17, 2020 (Hoop II)
Part 4 - The Hummingbird's Ascent (Living the Mystery) - Asheville, NC

Aug. 14-16, 2020 (Hoop II)
Part 5 - The Shamanic Self (Serving the Earth) - Asheville, NC

* A second 6-day workshop will be offered in 2020 to complete the UK series.

If you wish to experience a workshop or ceremony with Cynthia and you do not see it scheduled, please email her at