Heartfelt ceremony helps us to connect more deeply with Source and to come into right relation with all of creation. We give back to Mother Earth, Nature and the Unseen World through acknowledgement of our dependence on them for our sustenance, prayer, expressions of gratitude, and ritual feedings. This restores sacred reciprocity with all that is as well as balance and harmony within us and within the Great Web of Life.
Cynthia Greer offers the following kinds of ceremony:
Creating and offering a despacho, a mandala-like offering to Mother Earth, the mountains and the Unseen World in order to re-establish right relationship with all that is. A despacho is created with prayer, love and gratitude for the many gifts we have received from the Spirit World. Then it is reverently offered to sacred fire, water or buried in the Earth. We may also create despachos to ask the Spirit Realm for its power, support and wisdom for healing, guidance, assisting a departing loved one to cross over into the next life, and many other intentions. (Despacho ceremonies can be done for individuals or a community.)
Building an apacheta, a ritually constructed stone cairn which is then ceremonially activated to bring light and healing energies into the planet from the cosmos and the unseen world. The apacheta then intensifies these energies as they flow through the energetic grid throughout the Earth. It can be used to restore land that has been misused. It is also a beautiful and powerful place for us to make sacred offerings to Mother Earth to re-establish sacred reciprocity with her. (Apacheta ceremonies can be done for individuals or communities.)
If you wish to be on an email list so you know when Earth-honoring ceremonies are being offered or to engage Cynthia for an Earth-honoring or personal ceremony in your area, please email her at cbagreer@bellsouth.net.